Please delete my account

I did a lot of mistakes here on the forum and i apologize for this. Its time for me to take my leave from this site. I want my account deleted and and if there s a way to ban my ip to not be aab le to reach this site it would be even better. Thank you in advance.

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Dude you are such a great member of the community. If you want your accounts anonymized, I can do that, but I won’t ban your IP because I want you to be able to come back if you want.


Yes please anonymize my account. Its a bit addicting to read all day long this site almost every day. Thank you so much and delete this thread. :slight_smile:

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Don’t coward out. We all make mistakes, this is a great opportunity to stick it out. You are anonymous. I can’t recall what you all said and didn’t meant. Ok, the fib can track you down.

Something is knocking on my door.

The holy scriptures of Dunno3x


I didnt do anything that bad ever. Moderators know my “mistakes”
I apologized and i feel the need to leave.

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Good Lord, they are experienced moderators like radio Station. When the fib finds out the gets an investigation. Maybe closed.

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How to delete account?

@anon92566787 since you are still a brand new user i can delete your account for you. Do you want me to?

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