Planting billions of trees is ‘most effective climate change solution


We still deforrest for coal mines. We can only battle climatechange together. Hopefully our world leaders know what they are doing.

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And eating less meat and recycling also great :+1:

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Not to start a controversy, but climate change is just a tactic to extort even more money from those who cannot afford it. The climate has always gone through ebbs and flows and will continue the cycle long after we are gone. Returning now civilized areas back to nature is the plan of agenda 21. It is not for the benefit of the common people.

Gotta love when truth is flagged. Maybe you’d like to be coddled and stroked instead. I guess ignorance is bliss for the majority. I suppose it’s a conspiracy or one my deep seeded delusions.

Sorry, @nfy flagging bug. But yeah, that’s a delusion. The earth is objectively going through climate change, that’s a fact. These changes are making it harder for everyone to live on the earth.

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Your a good person but suit yourself. When the carbon taxes become standard practice and your travel is restricted, it wont be a delusion.

I always feel a bit stressed thinking about this issue since learning about it.

But I’m a bit relieved to hear when a solution is being considered or implemented.

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So do I, but that isn’t allowed here. Anyway, God made a promise that he wouldn’t destroy the earth again. The world will be just fine, when we are gone it will simply recycle itself. It was designed to do just that.

Yes you are correct, with the flood. I doubt I will be here to see that, but I would like to. I think I will go to a better place but I don’t know if God himself could tolerate my brain. But then again he did make me this way for a reason.

Let’s avoid the ‘God talk’ please.