So I had what i thought was a cool little email exchange with this female singer/ songwriter…she asked for my lyrics which I sent her…and then nothing for about a week now.
Should I bother emailing her back, or just let it go? I noticed she is posting on Twitter, so she’s not dead or anything like that.
You could try to send her a checkup email to test the waters.
You know, something friendly along the lines of “Hey, I haven’t heard from you in a while. Is everything okay?”
I hear you buddy. I was ghosted once and it really upset me. Maybe my advice isn’t the best and is based off hurt feelings. @Pikasaur has good advice though
I don’t even care if she didn’t like my work. If she just had emailed back and said ‘not interested’…I’d be okay with it.
She’s trying to make it in the music business…releasing her own albums…etc. But I don’t know how far she’s going to go in the Industry if she burns bridges like she is doing with me.
I agree with @mermaid1 there’s usually a reason.
It’s only been a week.
Perhaps she’s been too busy, or perhaps she read it and thought “I’ll get back to it later”, and then forgot about it.
You could always send her that follow-up email I mentioned, what’s the harm?
Insted of getting pissed because you think she’s ghosting you on purpose, try to remember there could be a million different reasons why someone goes AWOL for a week. And those reasons may be innocent and/or have nothing to do with you.
It could all be a misunderstanding, and if you send that email I mentioned, you show that you are still interested, AND you remind her to reply in case she forgot.
Communication is a two-way street, but sometimes you gotta honk the horn to make the other car go