Pictures from my allotment /summer cabin

During the winter i live in an apartment, during the summer i mostly live in my allotment, 5 km from downtown Copenhagen.

There is electricity, Wi fi, but no bathroom, only cold water. Primitive living but I like it.


That looks really nice!

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cool pics… 15 1455515

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That’s lovely, I would enjoy it as well!

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Sounds great.
Great for pondering and deep meditation


Just what I’ve always dreamed of.

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Sounds like a good place to relax. :slight_smile:

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Allotment?? A sommerhus more like it. :grinning:

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looks great =D… nice place!

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Thanks a lot everyone. It means a lot. There have been periods when I have been too depressed to use the house and keep the garden tidy, and i have been thinking about selling it. But at the moment I’m enjoying it.

@NotSeksoEmpirico Danish allotments are more like a russian “dacha” , a bit bigger than those in the UK.

The association / union here are social democrats or socialists, so they keep the prices low so ordinary people can rent a place. It’s very cheap and I wouldn’t earn much if I sold it.


That’s amazing :o

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You are very lucky :four_leaf_clover: nice :blush:!!!

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