Philosophical zombie

Actors, philosophical zombies,
soulless robots. What the hell?

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Why does my mind
get alienated and feels
that everyone is fake
or something else than
what it seems?

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Even scientists believe that, but unfortunately you’re being tormented with voices and anxiety in ways you clearly find it difficult at times to live with.

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Now i feel a friend of mine is a zombie, robot.
He seems fake

It’s a “hypothetical” being Om. It’s not real. It’s just something out of someone’s imagination.


I read a little bit from it. I mean people with autism are less outwardly conscious that does not even come close to what this is about. It is impossible. There are sicknesses that remove the self from the perceptions that does not make you a zombie.

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No, it’s plausible.
I experience it every day, dude

If you all are robots,
how could i tell?

I thought we were zombies :stuck_out_tongue:. Zombies, Robots, actors, none of this is real. We are all real people just like you. But you won’t believe me so I really don’t know why I’m trying. I guess I’m just a die hard.

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Zombies, robots, actors.
All these are plausible
and it’s not just an intellectual hypothesis,
but an immediate experience, it feels so real.

This experience is real but it is a psychological phenomenon, not epistemological, similar to solipsism.

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Yep, it’s also a psychological experience.
It’s not just a theory.

People lack qualia.
I alone am real, as far as i can tell

If you truly believe that deep down Om, why do you even bother responding to us? If we are all fake people why converse with us? You would think we would have no meaning to you.

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I don’t know.
I need to share this belief,
even if you are not real.

Or maybe a few people have conscious like me.


If god created philosophical zombies
to test my reaction to their behaviour?
To detemine, after that, if i go to heaven
or to hell? It’s an idea that I have since childhood.

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I often feel like other people aren’t real. It’s a delusion but I know how hard it is to not by into it. I’m sorry you’re going through it

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If all beings are p-zombies,
whose voices i hear?

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The definition of philosophical zombie doesn’t go far enough. I reject this ridiculous fetichism centred on consciousness.Even if we could prove that we or others are conscious, they would still remain zombies.

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