Phil weighed 119 pounds at his doctor yesterday

Now he’s on a marathon eat.

I remember my daughter telling me about a girl at camp, they were getting on her, and she said to them, Is it a crime to be small? too funny.

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Wow he is skinny!

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Hi Sam!

good to see you today

yeah he calls himself an old bag of bones.

how tall is he? 222

I think he’s about 5’7, maybe 5’8

we measured it one time, and I’m taller than him.

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My dad weighs about that and he’s 5’8" . he has copd and possible lung cancer

yeah, Phil heavy smoker. He may going that route too.

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I hope not, my dad is a heavy drinker too. He prefers beer but he will drink stronger alcohol.

same with Phil

people don’t want to be addicted. They can’t say, I love this.

Some alcohol when you get older is good for ya.

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I’m afraid to be like my dad he’s a mean drunk…wont go into that but he has chosen alcohol over his family numerous times.


ah man are you still in that situation?

My dad says many alcoholics are skinny bc they drink instead of eating.

@cbbrown. My dad is grouchy sober but he’s good at heart :heart:


I wrestled 119 in high school in the 10th grade. That’s pretty small for a grown man. You need to feed him.


Poor Phil, that is very underweight. Over here we can buy from the pharmacy a product called Sustagen Formula which is a powdered drink very high in calories. Something like this would be ideal along with his current food intake to try and get his weight up. I hope the Doctor gave him a thorough examination to make sure he is physically ok.


@cbbrown I’m proud of you. Why? For seeing a possible pattern, and running from it. I did the same thing.

You’re so nice. I don’t think you hear that enough, but you really are thoughtful and kind.

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Thank you @JustTrish

If I could get out of the abusive cycle I’m in with my In laws I would be much happier

I think the website is or

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