John Carpenter had this crazily good movie where this spaceship went around the universe blowing up unstable planets with intelligent bombs. It was made for a poultry 60k and was so funny in parts…
The end of it they had to ask the frozen dead captain how to fix a malfunctioning bomb. The advice was to teach the bomb phenomenology. In true Carpenter style the bomb decided it was god and exploded…
A thread my mate @Montezuma would know the film and the joke!
Hi bud!
Are you thinking of Dark Star by John Carpenter?
Of course I am and know you’d love the reference! Teach the bomb ! haha. Love your work and thought you’d appreciate that movie! I’m sure @anon94176359 knows his Carpenter too!
Yep! Am a huge carpenter fan. He is easily my favourite director. Dark star - the first movie to make space ships dirty. May seem like an insignificant thing but man it changed cinema
We like what we like and Carpenter has made so many good movies…They Live is still in my top 10 and then there’s Dark Star and Escape from New York. Fantastic fantasy and had to include you on this thread as someone in the know!
Cheers for the mention brother!
Your up late @Montezuma
Yeah, I just prefer the late night quiet hours. I’ll probably be up until five to six am.
And I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen Dark Star before, but I’m very familiar with the film.
I read a book about seventies horror movies a long time ago that talked about Dark Star and the whole story of it’s making and production.
The ‘alien’ in it is incredible. Totally doesn’t look like an inflated beach ball - sarcasm
Omg Matey…you must see it! Its so good. The whole scenario of dealing with an alien which is basically a blow up beach ball is gold! Such a great movie and Carpenters first. You need to do this matey!
@anon94176359 Jinx!
Lol @rogueone haha!
I’ll see if my library carries it.
Ever seen Basket Case, @rogueone?
It’s one of my top favorite movies of all time. It’s super trashy and low budget. But there’s just something very charming about it.
Love Basket case…I have a soft spot for it too. We grew up in some good times for cinema…so much junk which was gold…Hope you can find a copy of Dark Star. Amazing for it’s time and money. Makes you reconsider what you can do with a shoestring budget and some vision.
Basket case was big over here on vhs back in the time…so much fun!
That’s awesome!
I got a limited edition of basket case on Bluray arriving later today. I’m pumped! Lol.
That’s really interesting about Basket Case being big on VHS down there in Oz Land.
It was pretty much the same here in the states. I want to say that it didn’t have much success theatrically in America, but it totally killed it on VHS sales haha!!
I was expecting a discussion on Continental Philosophy.
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