Perverted aliens

So what is the chance that this world is just a farm. A farm for perverted sex crazy aliens. Look at the world, there is so much degeneration. From pedophiles to incest. It’s like a very disturbing porno.I have discovered is the truth this is just a porno for the aliens. It’s like a crazy sex show. And the aliens are feeding on our sexuality. Telepathically. The farm billions of us. It’s a crazy primate sex show for the aliens. This is what I discovered during my mental super thinking. What the doctors call psychosis. Prove me wrong!

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Time for a med adjustment.


There are many theories about why we exist. One more to add to the list…

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It’s rare for people to feel turned on by watching members of other species having sex. I suspect the same might be true for aliens. To “feed” on someone else’s sexuality is a biological impossibility.


Why do they always have animals having sex on those documentaries? I think some people must dig it. They’re clearly spicing things up for ratings!

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They also show animals doing normal things like feeding, or drinking water, but I choose not to read too much into it.

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yes sex is a strong motivator

The have the quantum technology. Sorry

#government matrix

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What you’re saying is delusional but I’m not dismissing it. The Universe seems to be inherently evil, so it wouldn’t surprise me if beings from higher dimensions were feeding off negative energy.

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I dont know maybe i’m wrong but this is what my psychosis was about.

What is a matrix? I know the movie but what dose it mean?

All I know is that there were three steaks in the fridge last night and there are still three steaks this morning. I would have been thrilled if they had nookied overnight and produced more offspring in the form of new steaks.

Our more immediate concern is perverted laundry. Leaving two previously worn socks out overnight results in at least three in the morning. Dirty laundry, indeed.


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Construct or making

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Everything is a disease

Humans are no different.

You think the earth will put up with us for much longer?

We’ll all be wiped out by some event whether that will be tomorrow, or in 1,000 years.

My view is this cleansing needs to happen, as we’re not treating this place with any respect at all

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Tbh nothing we do really matters anyway, as our bodies are just vessels for our consciousness, which can probably exist in a greater/superior form once we die. Maybe we all become a hive mind after death? Idk.

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I actually thought of writing a book, sci fi. Where there aliens collected different species for a kinky sex club.


Have you read the Felix Gomez vampire detective novels?

i’m probably wrong i just had this delusion while i was psychotic wanted to share it here

Hahah yes I they are kinky perverts imo