People who take selfies regularly ‘overestimate how attractive they are’ - study

In reality, though, external raters actually perceived the targets’ selfies to look less attractive and less likable than the photos taken by others (as well as more narcissistic).


Thats Why i never take any selfies…ha ha…lol…:alien:


It makes sense. Being vain isn’t an attractive quality. And I guess you can appear that way to others when taking a selfie.


I used to take selfies all the time now I hardly do, and find myself more beautiful than I ever have before. :slight_smile:


A sign of self insecurity. Seems legit.


I take movies of myself - in various roles. I’m not an actress.

Word to the herd, I am sure a lot of people’s profile pics on this forum are selfies :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

I’d rather underestimate… though I can recognize a good photo…

got a whopping 4.9 on hot or not back in the day.

Though the women seem to dig me. Spoke to too many to count last night. All friends that I’ve met before.

Still wound up sleeping alone balled up in a chair while the party continued… happens regularly. (I’m getting old)

let me break away from the solipsism here… sometimes selfies can be pretty hot… the other 99% of the time they are stupid (In my opinion.)

(lady show me where to go… some things I don’t wanna know… lady… tell me it’s for sure… all of the time)

returning to the solipsism…

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