People who rejected you...!


How would you know??



I don’t understand this one.

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I gotta disagree with this one, my dude. Happiness is not thinking about the people who rejected you, because you’re too busy living your best life while hoping they are living their best life. The car is irrelevant. :grimacing:

If I thought about all the people who rejected me, it would waste 5 hours of my day.


Oh you mean money is happiness and that you laugh at ppl who rejected you bcz you’re more rich than them.

Pedro you’re obsessed with money lol


I think it was Steve Covey in his book ‘The seven habits of highly effective people’ where he talks about untethering from people.

In his case he might have been speaking of grudges but he says to imagine that person on a stage with good things happening to them. This actually works in my opinion.

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money would transform my life big time


Money can’t cure sz though. Even if I had millions$ I would still be in bed most of the time due to negative symptoms.

money might pay my bills

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Don’t you have enough money to live? What happened to your construction job?

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That would be if they only rejected you because you weren’t wealthy, yourself. You lose when they make you feel you have to be stuck up in order to feel good about yourself.

Here is my take on it:

It’s not all an absolute thinking when you read these words, but a metaphor disguised in quote. :slight_smile:

For instance: “Allergic to average” would mean striving for best possible outcome but at the same time it wouldn’t imply hating or disliking anyone with less fortune. It works like a prayer for one’s personal success in my opinion.

However you have a very valid point.

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I am just looking for a blessing from who who

To be honest the people who rejected me did so for their own reasons that I may not be able to understand, but their actions have made me very wary of trusting other people.

Rejection sucks, but even more so when people do it because you’re mentally ill

I am fine with that though. I have a mortgage, and have been living here for 4 years now independently, and I just started a new business that is going well so far.

There is a lot to be grateful for. I used to be very unstable, but the last few years things have improved med wise etc and I am able to support myself.

I don’t need these other people leeching on to me. I am doing alright on my own, with just family with me

I sat in a rented Lamborghini wondering why someone would spend so much on a car so horrible to drive. Wasn’t thinking about who rejected me, was more worried about crashing the blessed thing.


A guy in a Lamborghini cut me off and flipped me the bird.

I was 16 and felt special all day.


it might come thourgh ?

a sickener to b quite frank

I love the casual double mark of the beast (666666) on the license plate of the car in the image. :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp:… reminds me of the love of money (also Halloween).