People say I'm calm

But maybe it’s just a flat affect.

What do people say about you that surprises you?

That I have a good sense of humor, I think it’s lame really

My nickname in real life by my peers is ‘Stone’…because I never flinch, even under the most trying of circumstances. I also walk like I have 2 feet in a pail of cement.

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People say I’m sweet. That always surprises me because I feel such discomfort.

People occasionally ask for my ethnicity especially after having exposing myself under the sun.

People can’t believe I have SZ. Everyone thinks I’m normal.

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I once chatted online with an Australian girl. When I told her that Romanian women make good soup ( I should have phrased it differently I guess) she replied “OMG so you’re cannibals!!”.

Holy ■■■■ thats funny…dont go to romania they might stake you and bury you with 2 plucked chickens covered in the freshly cut hair of the oldest woman in the village…lol their gov has a file with your picture in it labeled vampire stake on site…lol

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