People never change

I live in the past sometimes.

I´m still waiting for my ex to write an apology letter (which I won´t respond to, and because I won´t take her call) after 6 years of no contact.

It´s hopeless for me to think that people change and become morally better. People usually don´t change, and they stay all their lives beeing more or less who they were.


How can you expect her to write an apology letter, maybe she hasn’t thought of that. It’s not that people don’t change, there is usually a misunderstanding between people.

People only think about their life and things they did, when they’re going to die. Sometimes not even.

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I like your last phrase a lot, thanks.

About the apology letter it´s just that she used to do that kind of things.

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Yes, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting on ppl to change, Just do you and if they come for you, swift throat punch. Some ppl are zombies

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After six years??? Time to move on, it is doubtful after that amount a time a ex is even thinking about you
People learn and grow, yes some people never change, but many do as well


I usually don´t think about her, but as I grow older I tend to think sometimes about things that happened to me.

It´s just that sometimes that thought comes to mind…

Is it that weird?

Does she know you ecpact an applogy letter?
Have you written her one?
6 years is eaons, you might want to give that one up and move on


I think about ex’s sometimes, even google them the odd time, just to maybe see how they look now or what they are up to, I would never go back to a ex though and for the most part don’t dwell on what they did. In younger years I was a drinker and did some pretty stupid stuff, that today I would not even consider. I like to think I am a way better person than I was back then

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Nah she doesn´t know anything and I want it this way.

During our relationship (my first and last one) I was allways thinking about her but she wasn´t.

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That´s what I would do nowadays, but she´s blocked from every social media I use.

I mean, I hope i´m not the only one that sometimes thinks about an ex, just things happened not to get back with her or anything.

That’s like people following me around the shops, harassing and hating on me being combatative and competitive and quite frankly downright rude and awful I don’t even know why.

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Well she got some reasons to apologize. I don´t want to go in detail but because of our last times together I had a psychotic episode.

I’m a 28 year sober AA member. I’ve literally met thousands of people who have changed their lives for the better over this time. People can and do change if they’re willing to do the work and accept the consequences.


Thanks, part of me refused to think that people don´t change for good. I needed to hear that.

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