People being arrested for student loan debt

Pay your student loan debt folks. I forgot my mouse, so you’ll have to click the link.

Mine gets cancelled after 25 years and 2018 is the year that is, but I am in the UK and new student loans don’t ever get cancelled anymore. Advantages of being middle aged…

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I defaulted on my student loans but i’m trying to get my student loans discharged since I got sick and only have ssi as an income. the student loan discharge place said it will take three years of no loans and no gainful employment to get the loans discharged.




(I know how to spell interesting.) :wink:

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I got my loans discharged but they were mostly paid off. I got back like $1200 in payments I had made.


@TomCat Seriously!?! What were the conditions that you were getting the money back for?

Did you get SSI/SSDI?
What happens if you become employed and off the SSI/SSDI?

I got a total discharge for being a 100% disabled veteran. I got back like a years worth of payments I had made.

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You can qualify on SSDI too

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Thank you for sharing @TomCat!

been paying my debt with ssi…

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Me too!

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