Pdoc visit add Latuda? Fresh start

OK I’ve been stable for over 15 years on Seroquel.
But lately with MS I had a MS/SZ relapse. They both were feeding off each other.

So yesterday, my pdoc wanted to add Latuda. And it was filled.
But now I don’t want to try it after reading all the side effects.
I get easily agitated pace around, and get angry and those are just the side effects of Latuda!
Plus you can throw up? No thank you,

I think I was just worried because my dad called me and he was worried about me.
Then I was worried because my brother was being evicted and my sister tried to gas herself.
But I can’t solve everyone’s problems and worrying about them just sets me off and I can’t stop
thinking of it all and I just make myself worse.

So I make an appointment with a new pdoc I saw once.
I want to start fresh because my old doc just knows me from all the ups and downs over 20 years.
I have gotten better and she just can’t admit that I think!
Yes I’ll just have normal problems like everyone, but I’m not going to go and get another break, I have to quit that vicious cycle.

Will you be able to get on just seroquel? Why did he suggest Latuda? His opinion must be that you need it.

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Can you get the Seroquel increased a bit more, instead of adding such a stimulating drug like Latuda.

Its a her and I don’t trust the opinions of doctors sometimes because I know myself best and they only know what they hear and see.
Its and art because there is no sz test.

This is true of neurologists and MS because they don’t know what causes it, they don’t have a real cure, and relapses happen randomly sometimes. Sound familiar? :slight_smile:

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I sometimes take more on my own. I’m afraid of a stimulating drug myself because I personally need a sedating drug like Seroquel.
Well new pdoc is on Tuesday. How did I get an appointment so quick through Kaiser? They’re been good to me.

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Latuda, in my experience, works best when paired with Chloropromazine, which has two effects that work well with Latuda, one it inhibits the vomit reflex and reduces nausea (its actually used to treat epileptic med nausea sideeffects sometimes) and its a sedating drug, which can help with things like sleep, before I got on the Chloropro I slept sporadically, 4 hours one night and only 2 the next, followed by a 12 hour nap the next…now sleep 8 hours a night, wake fully refreshed, and have almost zero symptoms.

But Latuda does not work for everyone…

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I’m watching Let’s Make a Deal, but I wanted to check in and say hi!

I hope you get the right medication @katwomansz.

I recently had a pdoc switch. I miss my social worker though. She was the real worker who spend her time helping me. I’ve had to up my Risperdal.

Anger is a problem for me too. The Risperdal helped with that in the first year or so, but I think it was also because I was waking up from my psychosis.


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I am on Latuda and I haven’t had any side effects from it. You might not get them. Good luck with everything.

what sycle???
and good on ya. proud of u…