|||=+=||| Past | Present | Future |||=+=|||


Our Birth. Our Living. And What’s Next.

The Men And Women Before Us.

And The Children After Us.

As We Grow Up to Become Adults. We Either Are Given Wisdom From Wisdom. Or Gather Intelligence From Our Own Proof Existence.

As We Grow Older And As Our Past Generations Slowly Pass Away. We Gather Strength to Carry On And Teach Those Who Come After Us.

It is a Full Circle. Inside of A Circle. Inside of a Circle. Inside of a Circle. Inside of a Circle.

So. That Leaves The Questions.

Why is it Thus Way?. For What Purpose Does it Truly Serve?.

If We All Gave Up. All in One Day. Where Would That Leave Us?.

If We All Brought Ourselves Into The Light. One (by) One. Admitting Fault. Admitting Blame. And Seeking For Understanding.

Would We Be Better Off (???)… . … :100:

Currently Listening to TOOL~ ‘FEAR INOCULUM’. (Album)

Lightness or weight? Which is better? It’s an oldie but a goodie.

Depending on The Situation Set Before You… . … :100:

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Choice is choice. It’s not a situation type problem. It’s metaphysics. Lightness or weight?


What is Metaphysics to You (???)… . … :100:

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It is all and it is nothing.

Simple question. Lightness or weight?

As One Used to The Constant Tide of Shifting Psychologically.

Like i Said, It Depends on The Situation Set Before Me… . … :100:

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I tend to think it’s one or the other and it’s liberating in itself. Sitting on the fence is just that. It’s observing. It’s not participating. Most life that is good is getting in there and doing it. Watching from the sidelines is in that respect waiting. You can wait for a heck of a long time without affecting anything…

That to me isn’t living. It’s watching as the currents take you down stream without the need to act accordingly. It’s just doing…

Many Feel as if That’s The Only Way to Participate.

In a World Where Everything Stands on Green Paper or Plastic Cards as a Sense of Freedom.

Ticket’s to join in On Some Odd Ride.

But Observing Has it’s Own Fulfilling Traits.

Perhaps… . … :100:


I’m ephemeral. I won’t reproduce. I don’t sit on the fence.

I live. I live as large and as loud as possible and I scream from the top of the tower. I am lightness. I am without weight. I float through the flotsam and jetsum and I survive because I am me. All lightness.

Isn’t that liberating over looking?

Isn’t that a choice I’ve made somewhere that makes a difference over useless words?

Behold. I teach you the ubermensch. I am the lightning I am this madness.

Thus the original question if you read the quote right. :slight_smile:

Thanx For Sharing.

Have a Great Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, And or Night… . … :100:



In The Endless Void. The Past Reaches For The Present. The Present Reaches For The Future. As We All Spin Silently, Slowly, Chaotically, in The Feelings of The Here And Now.

Currently Listening to KRAFTWERK~ ‘MINIMUM - MAXIMUM’. (Album).

These Questions Still Stand… . … :100:

Hello… . … :100:

If Ghost’s Are Jus Fable’s And Folklore.

Where Does That Leave Memories (???)… . … :100:

Currently Listening to DEERHUNTER~ ‘CRYPTOGRAMS’. (Album).

The Shadow of Tissue. The Thought of Thought’s. Hourglass Remembrance.

If Shadows Think of Tissue. Does Marrow Speak to The Light in Bones (???)… . … :100:

Currently Listening to GRIZZLY BEAR~ ‘YELLOW HOUSE’. (Album).

Innocence Stolen From The Thieves in Houses of Scribble Wall Etching.

Prodded And Invaded. And Spoken Whispers of Never Once Told (???)… . … :100:

Currently Listening to BAND OF HORSES~ ‘EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME’. (Album).

The Silent Gaze Eternal Mystery of Cheap Enlightenment.

If The Bruises Burn Bright Where Does That Leave The Clean (???)… . … :100:

Currently Listeninng to ELECTRIC WIZARD~ ‘DOPETHRONE’. (Album).

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