Does anyone else here fear the NSA?
I’m more concerned with the Navy SEALs following me
I have never narrowed it down to a particular agency. I just call them the government.
I know that I was followed when I lived in my auto in 2000-2002 in Miami. Once I broke my laptop and tried to repair it at one Miami library and one Michael saw it. Soon I got internet communications that they got my computer. Later I learned that this Michael was with the US military.
What is NSA? Could you tell me?
National Security Agency
Ok, thanks.
I had sent a message to the CIA once
to stop monitoring me
I sent a message to the FBI saying that I am Jesus and that they should protect me from the mafia and make me king of the world. They never replied.
Yep, they don’t reply.
They just laugh at us
The CIA had some outreach program in 1997 and I responded to their ad in America. Later in 1998 the CIA contacted me and wanted to recruit me. I never returned their papers. These papers had a lot of questions including some psychological ones. My wife at the time was a little against me being with the CIA. I started having voices in 1998 and it became worse in 1999 when I started having voices from TV and elsewhere.
So now you have recovered?
I once sent a message to the FBI as well a long time ago. I don’t remember the exact message but I think it had to do with the conspiracy that I thought was going on with someone I knew through Facebook. They did not respond to me either.
I still have voices but less than in 1999. I take my meds regularly.
No … I like “No Strings Attached” and microphones and cameras everywhere. I am an attention whore deep down inside ! sErIoUsLy!
I have used the NSA card so many times, they won’t extend me credit any more! So I decided to Pay My Bill With “Reward Points”!
Gosh, you guys are full of good ideas … I’ll put those on my bucket list!
People do odd things when they are in psychosis @mister_lister . I don’t think they need you mocking them. They already know what they did was not a good idea.
I can’t be mocking them when I HAVE DONE MUCH ODDER THINGS! Would you like some examples from my collection?
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