For $8.99/month you can get unlimited coffee from Panera. Sounds like a pretty good deal, eh?
Seems weird, what if you sell the coffee you take from them to others lol?
I am sure when companies say unlimited its not true, thers always a limit.
You can only get one cup per every couple of hours. I guess that’s a limit.
Hmmm maybe I should be a coffee dealer watch out cops
Do they have Panera up north? @Aziz
Nop, I just looked it up in Google. None in Canada. Is it premade coffee or its groynd coffee you make at home?
I usually use Trader Joe’s instant cold brew powder but they have supply shortages so I’ve been making ground coffee in my French press. You?
@Ninjastar do you drink coffee? I’ve known you too long to not know this
I switched to caffeine pills a few months ago as coffee made me agitated for some reason. I used Kirkland colombian ground coffee from Costco and Nescafé Espresso before.
I think coffee makes me agitated too but I tried to go off it and got a massive headache. I’ll be forced to go off it anyways next week because I’m trying Clozapine. I’m going to miss coffee.
Yea I miss coffee too, I used to make iced coffee with Nescafe and Ice.
I keep trying to quit. Keep returning. I just can’t stay away from coffee. Only 1 cup a day though, in the early morning.
I make High-Power cold coffee: 6-7 tablespoons of (preferably Trader Joe’s) instant coffee in a quart bottle, sugar and milk to taste, refrigerate overnight - basically liquid crack haha NOT kidding
Are you not supposed to use caffeine on clozapine? I am taking clozapine and drinking like 4 cups of coffee a day. I told the psychiatrist and they didn’t say to quit.
All I can say is that my mom said she saw online not to have caffeine on Clozapine. Maybe inquire further with your doctor.
They wouldn’t hire me,
even though I have years of experience.
usually I don’t hold a grudge, but I don’t go there.
I was just telling one of my best friends about how panera bread triggers my paranoia really hard. The decor always looks really fake and so does the food. It’s like a fake restaurant. It’s for the people who dont wanna go to a restaurant or cafe but they want the delusion of such an experience. I think id rather pay more money for 7-eleven coffee than walk into a panera bread ever again. That is a really good deal though.
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