Origin of sz...and gene therapy

too lazy to look up the sources … but I read sz may be the product of our ancient ones breeding with Neanderthals…it could be from the meshing of the 2 species genes or it could be a trait from the Neanderthals directly…

gene therapy had a panel meeting of the big brains… they don’t write the law but their word usually weighs heavy… they want to limit its use in practice and in what they can experiment with… they want it to soley focus on single gene mutations … they want a multiple generation study done on any edits they do on humans… no enhancements allowed… so if this is an indication of where gene editing is going… you can see the timeline… if single gene mutations is going to demand multiple generation study… they edit prebirth roughly 18 years to produce baby… 18 more years to make another 18 years to allow that 3rd gen to fully grow to see if everythings ok… then maybe they will use it widespread… how long until they let them play with multiple gene mutations like sz and autism… I had hope this would be the answer and it may be just gonna be slow if this is how its going to be…

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flameoftherhine your topic,regarding gene therapy, sounds interesting even though too verbose for me to read
at this moment.

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I read that, too! We’re hybrids! Okay, I don’t know if we’re hybrids, but it sounds a lot better than accidental genetic mutations from an arbitrary break in species. :confused:

GATTACA anyone?

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it makes sense in a way and then it doesn’t… we don’t have much to compare this even to … animal hybrids often have weird genetic side effects but nothing like making a super race who may get sz lol…

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I had a thought while I was smoking… lucy is our oldest known ancestor right… so is it lucy + Neanderthal =modern human? you know how lucky that combo is… the fact that it didn’t make the offspring sterile is kinda amazing… and then the fact that it made a species capable of interplanetary communications and space travel is… ridiculous…

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