that’s a step too far in my opinion. weed doesn’t bother me though.
It makes drugs more accessible, but takes money out of the industry too.
I’m not sure tbh. Maybe it would work??? Idk
it would be interesting how the federal gov’t responds to it, if it passes. they have left the states alone about marijuana, but this may cause a fight.
Yea that’s too far. We don’t want kids dying from cocaine etc overdose. Or causing psychosis too!
My brother told me that his son, my nephew is a pot head.
That’s not good with your problems with psychosis. He shouldnt be using.
Here weed is legal but it have a warning on the package about causing or worsening psychosis and schizophrenia by Health Canada.
What do you mean?
I’m not using weed. @anon99082702
He might be self medicating. That’s what I did when I was younger. He is already succeptible to sz cuz his uncle has it. And he might be self medicating?
Yeah good point.
If it’s decriminalization and not legalization all it does is allow drug users to carry small amounts without risking fines or prison. It’s the humane and moral thing to do, but it doesn’t take money out of the industry or make drugs more accessible.
If there is less risk involved there is less money involved.
And if there is less risk involved it will be more widespread.
Not sure if you’re talking about the risk drug dealers have to take or about whether criminalizing drug use has a preventative effect. But countries that have decriminalized drug use have generally had good experiences with this, so the assumption that punishing drug users has a preventative effect is questionable, and drug dealers usually have to carry much larger amounts to be able to make a decent profit, so allowing smaller doses is unlikely to protect drug dealers.
Came here to say exactly this. All this does is allow addicts to seek help more easily.
I have somewhat of a colorful drug history.
However the drugs I did were chose because of their effects. Things like heroin or cocaine never tempted me because they were so addicting.
i don’t know if i understand decriminalization. like in ohio weed has been decriminalized for years. but people still have to go through shady dealers to score. and remember guns are legal in this country, it’s just a bad mix.
then it seems a bit hypocritical to allow use, then punish the dealers. legalization makes more sense to me, and these substances don’t seem safe to legalize, although i’ve never tried any of them.
i don’t know what to think, but i def. won’t be moving to corvallis or eugene oregon and have my trailer get broken into and robbed by someone needing money for drugs.
Under current law, if a cop finds you with any heroin at all in your possession, they can send you to jail. With decriminalization, they can’t send you to jail and may instead refer you to an addiction treatment center.
Or they write you a ticket for it.
Ducking cops don’t understand shot about mental health.
The Netherlands handled drugabuse socially very well. Look there. I am to sick and forgot. But i remember they had a huge drugproblem.