Optimizing sleep

I started closing the door to my bedroom, and I think I sleep better from it. I thought that maybe it would improve air flow by keeping it open, but I think the light that came in disrupted my sleep a bit.

Looking to buy some blackout window film I can stick on the bedroom windows to make it close to 100% dark (the blackout curtains I have don’t cover 100%)

Sleep is so important, kind of wish I took these steps before.


oh i need some light so I can maneuver to the pottie at night…no thank you…haha brave…

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u could keep a flash light by your bed.

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yep…I just don’t like total dark when I wake up…a glowing indirect lamp is in the living room and we keep that on in case the doggies not to go outside in the middle of the night…

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My paranoia prevents me from doing this while I sleep.

I can’t sleep with a closed door.

Congrats that it works for U.

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I grew up with a blind parent. I function well in total darkness for a lot of tasks.

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I love sleep. Depression everyday. Dear lord.


Honestly I only sleep because it’s necessary to survive I wish I could never sleep but I do love some of my dreams I will admit that idk :person_shrugging: I just can think of a thousand things better than laying in the bed with your eyes closed

Maybe I’m weird idk


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Have you tried a sleep mask? I may buy one some of these days…

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I like to have a tiny bit of light come in the window. Total darkness makes me uncomfortable.

I think the bodys sleep rhythm responds to light a great deal. If the room is total dark, the body doesen’t know when it’s morning or day time.

Also I had my first psychosis in a totally dark room. I figure I must have been in bed for about 2 days straight. The funny thing was my watch had stopped or slowed down, so every time I looked at it, it was still night, only it wasn’t.

So I won’t be blocking out all light, although I can see how it can be disrupting with too much seasonal light if the country you live in is far from the equator.

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I find Im in a better mood when I wake up if I’m don’t play youtube when I go to sleep. That’s about it. My sleep recently just got a lot better. I think I’m getting over some trauma I experienced a few years ago.

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My sleep pattern has got a lot worse recently . I have this continual buzzing noise. Hearing in left ear is slightly muffled. Having my ears syringed next month on the 20th. Experiencing initial insomnia. Finally got off to sleep after 4 am yesterday. Then slept till just after 13.30. Went to bed just after midnight but still awake 50 minutes later. So got up and having a drink.


Tried one but it was hard sleeping with it cause it felt so unusual, should probably have given it some time.

@Mr_Hope Yeah I also thought about it being good that some light comes in to the room when it’s morning. Only thing is that the meds make me sleep for 11-12 hours, so I will be sleeping with some light in the room for a long time especially if it’s sunny.

I’ll need to try out blocking out light for a while and see if it’s worth it.


I used to have an all-over-the-place sleep schedule, I was like a robot, who felt asleep whenever it ran out of battery, I now force myself to wake up at a certain time, sometimes helped by a roommate sometime just pray that I will wake up at the alarm I’ve set for 7 AM.

I see things getting better started having 6 hour sleeps around the end of the day sometimes I cannot sleep until 7AM but it’s getting rarer

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I was very paranoid about people come into my house, even when I sleep .

It’s a normal housedoor lock.

I’m hanging my keys at the door handle, so I wake up if somebody has the key.

To that when I’m away I’ve installed strong lugs and bought a disc lock.

Since that I was not paranoid.

Sleep :

Could be more silence, I’m sleeping better without noise.

I keep my radio on when it’s too loud.

Sunshine doesn’t trigger my sleep.

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There are night lights that work by motion detection. The light will be off, but if you get out of bed and walk a few steps it will go on.

Sleep is so important that we spend about a third of our lives doing it. I need to improve my sleep.


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Good luck doing so. I’m trying to find a cheap way to block all the sunlight from my bedroom windows, but I haven’t settled on a solution yet. Not only the sunlight, there’s also lights from the street outside seeping through.

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The temperature and noise (and a comfortable bed) are also important. (I’m sure you already know this, but I thought I’d mention it.)

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Yup. The light blocking thing is the last thing I need to try. I have a feeling it can work, because I feel like every sunny day I wake up feeling tired. Don’t know if it’s a coincidence, that remains to be tested.

Do you have any light coming into your bedroom at night?

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I don’t live in an area with a lot of light (like streetlights). I have blinds on the windows, but my head is away from the blinds. Never really thought about the light.

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