Open up in facebook

This is the text I posted to my 5000 friends:
I hear the divine voice of Jesus and Buddhist Goddess Annette and Meher Baba and Caitanya Mahaprabhu talking. I feel the presence of alien beings. Alien beings read my mind and spy on me cos they are attracted by my transcendental Buddha body. I hear demons cursing me. I smell phantom scents and taste phantom things. I see visions of Jesus and his Mother. Am I a psychic? Nah, just schizophrenic. Schizophrenics loose the boundaries of ego and feel one with everything. It’s a shortcut to enlightenment. I woke up spiritually before schizophrenia, and during schizophrenia I became full Buddha.


U have 5000 friends !!!

Damn someone’s popular

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I am an e-guru. Online guru. I have religious followers, yogins, etc. Is it good that I opened up?

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@Om_Sadasiva give clozapine a go…!! Man its not dangerous …!!

Yeah I suppose it’s good to open up.

Trust yourself…

Has the zyprexa sorted u out are u symptom free yet

Why? Zyprexa makes wonders. I have not many voices. I am better than ever

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Yes I am better than ever. I forget that I am ill. I feel normal again. You?

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Yeah zyprexa works wonders for me.

How’s your appetite going have u put on weight

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Yes, I am hungry all the time. I am more than 100 kilos. You?

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Wow. 5000 friends. Honored to meet you.

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Haha 1516161615

I feel that they will loose all respect for me when they will learn that I am schizophrenic

I say ■■■■ the ones who judge you for being schizophrenic. I like your post.

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Do what you think it’s right, were not in your shoes to know if this is something you will do

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Thanks bro 15151515

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Right my friend. 15151515

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They had no problem. One woman said that in other cultures schizophrenics are shamans or gifted people


Beard is looking good man!


Thanks dude. 15151515

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