You’re granted a free one-way ticket anywhere. Maybe I’d choose Tibet. A chance to achieve greater enlightenment and self-actualization. Be at peace with physical life and death.
Where would you go and why?
You’re granted a free one-way ticket anywhere. Maybe I’d choose Tibet. A chance to achieve greater enlightenment and self-actualization. Be at peace with physical life and death.
Where would you go and why?
Japan for their food and drinks
I’ve been to Japan. I went there as a teenager to play in a baseball tournament. I remember the crowdedness and that the Japanese were good at baseball.
I’d go to Arizona to meet and fall in love with a cool hippie girl and chase UFO’s with my camera.
I’d go to Vancouver, the greatest place in Canada.
@Montezuma: Rad! I’m in California and have only been to Az once. I went to Yuma for a mystery guest job when I worked for Jack-in-the-Box. It was warm there and lots of desert!
For UFO’s, I’d go to New Mexico and Area 51. Think that’s where it is.
@TheCanuk: What’s good in Vancouver?
I’d Go To The Nearest Volcano & Travel To The Center Of The Earth.
I Heard I Might Find Ice Treasure Caves Somewhere Within The Dragon Tombs
DJ Nosferatu Beat Beam Dream (sleepoptimistic)
Oh cool! Yeah, I grew up in Bakersfield, so I tend to really enjoy those warmer desert like environments.
New Mexico is a hotspot for sightings, true. I hear on the radio that Arizona is a hotspot, too.
@gene - The most beautiful scenery in the country.
Antarctica. 151515 no really probably Canada.
I might have to steal that day dream <3
@Montezuma I haven’t seen no aliens here yet.
I don’t even believe in aliens but it still sounds fun
Canada’s east coast
@Montezuma @GEDchill: I once saw a UFO when I was a kid. I remember it being saucer shaped and had a marquee on it. It said “Eat at Joes”
@TheCanuk: I’m always in awe of beautiful scenery. Last time I traveled it was to the east coast of US and into Canada (Toronto). I visited Niagara Falls at night time, it was nice.
I would go to Ohio or New Jersey
I would go to Argentina.
I would go to Tokyo.
Went there years ago.
Really like the place.
NYC is a close second
Me2 I would go and stay where I’m at, which is new york. since I need the help and I know its all good here.
I would go to Vanchouver , too. I heard the weather in Vanchouver is very good and it looks beautiful.