For the mentally ill. They were trying to figure out if they wanted to send me to the ward or discharge me. I asked for my meds like 20x. It was almost 1 PM already I still didn’t get my morning meds. So I asked to borrow the phone. I call 911 and tell the operator I’m being held captive in a medical holding facility without my meds. The operator asked to talk to the staff. I give em the phone and say it’s the 911 people. They freak out. Well Within 3 minutes later they came out with all of my meds. I may have been inappropriate but it sure as hell worked. I also had been to the same holding facility a week earlier and got my meds early in the morning that time.
Sometimes the squeakiest wheel gets the grease.
So they discharged me like an hour later. And I was back in the hospital for an extended stay like a few days later. I was psychotic but maybe I wasn’t wrong.
I was in a holding cell with rubber type walls and a drain to defecate / urinate in.
I also asked for medication and an attorney; my request wasn’t granted.
I’m not quite sure why I was being detained other than I had psychosis.
I wasn’t offered a phone call and I didn’t think to ask for one because of the state I was in.
I have voices twenty four seven; but I wouldn’t consider it psychosis, because I’m not having command hallucinations, like I some times do.
The police are some times unkind to the mentally ill, in the city I was in.
Best thing is to try and contact your mental health team, so that when you are detained, your properly detained; rights observed.
In the state I live in; I’m labeled SMI or seriously mentally ill. SMI have additional rights, than the regularly mentally ill person.
In the few times ive been locked up, be it meadowfield nuthouse or the local prison - ive always taken a stash of meds with me - cos with all the paperwork i know it takes a few days.
Nice story - glad you stuck up for yourself. You know - they could have said you had insight todo such a thing lol.
One time I was in the hospital and I had a migraine and it was so noisy I thought I might die. I couldn’t get anybody to give me anything for my headache so I called 911 for an ambulance to take me to a medical hospital where I could get treatment. The 911 operator said that I was already in a hospital and there wasn’t anything she could do. Then she called the nurses station and got me in trouble. They still didn’t give me anything for my migraine. That was the worst hospitalization I’ve ever had.