One Thing About Trump That Kinda Bothers Me

Trump is a racist, mysoganistic, big mouth who says what he says to appeal to racist america which is a big part of the country I’m guessing from how well he’s doing. Pixel, you’re canadian so I’ll forgive you for praising Trump. you don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump is the anti christ or should be.


There is a patch of Trump supporters here in my city… they threatened to call immigration on me. I told them I’m here legally. They wanted to see my green card.

I don’t have a green card… I was born here. I have a social security number. Then I got called an anchor baby. This is the rich white part of town… and I was afraid of getting beat up.

The KKK supports him now… urging more KKK guys to support him…

As a man of Mexican decent… this guys supporters scare me…


The only thing scarier than Trump’s outrageous views and rhetoric is the apparent number of people who seem to support him (and therefore must have similar views). I don’t understand it at all. It is very worrying.

I saw this on TV the other day - thought it was rather entertaining: A Canadian Perspective on the trump show / US primaries …

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It’s the same here in the EU, we just shrug our shoulders and say “Oh americans!”

i dont like him, he is very pompous and seems very racist, to think that you can just build a wall to keep people out lol like if we did that here in the uk the country would fill up with water and we’d all drown :confused: haha

I got some amusement out of the Pope interjecting himself into the ‘wall’ argument last week. Last I checked, the Vatican is surrounded by a massive wall and Vatican City has some of the strictest immigration requirements in the world.

People in glass houses…


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what was that city in history that was surrounded by a wall? was it the city of David? you know the one that the jews all bang their heads off of when they pray lol

Most cities “in history” had walls around them. They were castles…

Thankfully most places have evolved away from that design. Not the friendliest of approaches…


kept invaders out but there is a difference between invaders and good honest people, people who want to contribute and do good things (a bit like a missionary) except immigrants are usually trying to escape from something like poverty or something,

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It is probably going to get very crowded in Canada.


Trump’s stance on marijuana troubles me. I fear he could seek to stop states that have legalized it.

His stance on the Apple iPhone decrypting also bothers me.

I don’t think he would make a good President. I think he is elitist meets Nixon.

what about the legal aliens

We’ll take refugees. That will grow our economy. We’re cool with that.


What about those of us who are Italian-Americans

Then you got a real issue.

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I find that the Americans who don’t want immigrates, to be hipocritical in the sense of their pride for America. This country attacked, and wiped out an entire civilisation and did so illegally. And they brought disease. And they raped the natives. Now they don’t want the decendants of the people who were here first, on their side of the border for those reasons. And I don’t think those are very legitimate reasons to fear people who work jobs for wages that no citizen would accept. I think that shows fear and weakness on the USA’s part and Donald Trump personifies that fear.

With that being said, I think all this “support” Donald Trump has is propeganda as I have never met a single Trump supporter. I live in Michigan and there is a city here having a water crisis because the State took over the city and ruined the water supply. And he’s Republican. Trump has not even visited our state to say anything about it. Not sure if he HAS said anything about it. Regardless, I think he has lost this state already.

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Donald Trump’s popularity reminds me of this fellow who wrote an album full of positive messages without selling a single copy and then became a sensation by writing stuff like this, It’s the American way I guess.

trump is a nuclear war waiting to happen,

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