Let’s say Trump’s pipe dream of getting rid of the illegal aliens actually works. Well let me tell you some of the things those folks do for us. They work their hineys off fixing rooftops, taking care of kids as nannies, picking up fruit in farm fields, and numerous other jobs that many of us don’t want to do for less pay than the average American would accept. Let’s just say there would be plenty of hiring signs for legal Americans with few to no one wanting to take the jobs and if they had to pay minimum wage one heck of an inflation rate. Enjoy the future that you are voting for America. And by the way why don’t those “lazy schizophrenics” stop complaining about their problems and work in the fields for $3 an hour? (I’m just pointing something out, I don’t really mean the last statement).
Errrr I think you’re in the wrong place
I think it’s obviously wrong to try to foster a culture of paranoia and hostility towards immigrants, but I don’t think it’s strategic to try to say it’s bad because of nannies and fruit pickers demand. That sort of stuff is simply not true in the vast majority of the country, and reminding people that immigrants are taking up jobs period is just adding to fuel to the fire. I think it’s important to instead focus on the lessons of history and focus on the psychology behind certain things, and understand why certain types of propaganda and ideologies can lead to horrific things. I do think our laws and sovereignty need to be respected, and that includes immigration law, but fear mongering hyperbole is not the way to go about it.
My 2 cents.
The thing that will keep Trump’s plan from working is that too many Americans use those folks for cheap labor and use the threat of deportation to keep them from demanding more money. We may actually find that people will not give them jobs if they became US citizens and had the right to demand higher wages. The statement I made about “lazy schizophrenics” was a reference to the fact that many of us are also used for cheap labor with no hope of achieving the American Dream just like many of the illegal aliens are.
Some of those jobs could go to robots
Only one thing?
The only reason I would want Trump to get the Republican nomination is that he couldn’t beat either Sanders or Clinton in a presidential election. I don’t think Sanders can beat a centrist Republican, but he can beat Trump. An election pitting Sanders versus Trump sure would be polarizing, though.
He wasn’t supposed to last long enough to win a single delegate. Also, his verbal kung-fu is epic (carefully parse his messages and you’ll see how he plays to multiple audiences with simple statements). He has already stymied Clinton twice. I wouldn’t bet against him. He’s not my type of candidate, but I have to acknowledge success.
I’ll admit I haven’t studied Trump, but from what I do know of him he doesn’t have the right temperament for politics. He’s too brash. That might work in business, but it’s dangerous in politics. Also, I hear he has declared bankruptcy four times. And we want him to run the nation’s economy?
Donald Trump is a demagogue.
If he becomes President, Im seriously considering Moving to Canada - No lie
I don’t normally talk about politics but…
One thing?!?! LoL.
No, I know some people who support him and we’ve managed to be civil.
like someone said he’s declared bankruptcy four times, he’s to mouthy for a president we need a president with tact or soon the world will hate us even more. I see world war three on the horizon or the apocalypse. no offense to trump supporters and if I just set off anyone’s triggers I am very sorry.
I think Trump wants to be Emperor.
Haha, I was in my AP Government class we decided that he would title himself Emperor Trump.
Many things about Trump bothers me. Luckily we have a ton of committees in Congress that have the ability to modify any bills he proposes. I fear that he would become an imperial president…
Lol, my first thought exactly.
His wardrobe is lacking.
I strongly believe that conservative people like Trump, Bush or Reagan, who are very much against immigration, pro culture and western values are the most damaging men to their own agendas. bush went on a “holy war” and the media made him into an idiot and his war as a oil robbery. reagan was very “anti-communist” but during his presidancy usa was basically socialist. trump wants to be against “illigal immigrants” but in the end all he will do is make them more acceptable and liked in society.
If Americans elect Trump then they are just as crazy as Italians.
Nobody is as crazy as the Italians!