One More Intriguing Piece of Music 4 Good Measure

I hope someone out there will like this and say so. It’s tough working in a vacuum. I’ve had a few replies today from a couple of friendly listeners and one who even shared some music with me too after I posted two other tunes. So if you hear this one and like it, drop me a line and tell me. That way I’ll know that you didn’t not like it. As always, for best results, use maximum reasonable volume.


Aaaah at 9 minutes, I’m a sucker for Spanish guitar :two_hearts:

Ah Rhubot - my biggest fan so far! I’m happy you like my Spanish guitar!

That was beautiful. Thank you.

Cool. More tomorrow I guess.

Excellent! I sampled all your work on Soundcloud. My constructive input: think about form and the use of motifs. Decide how you want a piece to start, develop, and finish. Build involvement into your work by using motifs, maybe a specific melody or theme that reoccurs, something that you can play with elaborate on and develop. It will unify the piece, it will give it something to say.

I have a degree in Music Theory & Composition - but this isn’t a composition class so maybe I should keep my big mouth shut. Although, getting/giving input from other students always served me very well. It improved my composing.

Great work. I like your ideas, I like the feel of what you’ve done. “Lord Mammon’s Terracide” is a great example of excellent use of motif and exciting form. Maybe I’d put a really exhilarating ending on that one, take the listener’s breath away at the end. GASP. End it up, really up.

Not finished listening yet but this is really cool. Kind of reminds me of something from a video game (RPGs).

Not at all raff228 I like your ideas especially from someone with a composer’s degree! Motifs you say? I’ve heard and read that word a lot in my private studies, and tried to use it in my own crude way. But just because you emphasize it, I’ll look into it more in depth. As for the tunes already on Soundcloud I’m afraid they are finished unless I redo all of them. My three terabyte hard drive ate all my files and I lost a ton of work that way - ouch!