On this forum wondering, do still waters run deep?

how many of you are in the deep despair twindling in your madness?
how many have lost way more then just their mind?
how many dreams and life’s have been destroyed?
How deep does the agony of madness go?
Where are your scream and cries bundled or heard?
How many of your hearts are stone to feel no more?
Where do you go for all of this?
How deep are these wounds?
How deep does this all go?

this voice needs to be heard to be healed, have you walked in the desolated shoes of madness with me through the good and bad, not just information on what is or should or shouldn’t be
its all broken and at waste and i need to be real with myself, to the deepness of it.

This pain, delusional, agonizing, despairing, lonesome, shameful, dreadful, wounds needs to be let out

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I used to be really afraid of deep water. But now it’s just when that water is bitter and murky that throws me for a loop. Interesting way of expressing yourself though.

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Floods sweep out all the loose stuff. From there can new stuff grow.

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I’m speaking of the jists of deeper wounds to my soul experiencing this all, not just finding clarity through this madness, next thing you know madness will be the new sanity and I’ll be out of the scoop.

I hear ya. It’s as if our wounds are not only deep and long there is also a proverbial surgeon pouring salt in them.

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