Use What You Fear The Most As A Crutch, To Help Better Yourself, To Help Reach You To Your Greatest Potential. Your New Greatest Ally. Your New Greatest Realization. Greatest Friend.
Keep Your Friends Close.
Your Enemies Closer!.
Never Rest?.
Always Live, Laugh, And LOVE!.
And One Day, Your Pain Will End. And You Will Be Able To Say To Yourself…, Enough, Is Enough!.
qp|| The Shadow Of The Sky Knows What You Need Before You Ask. So Stand With Patience During The Test Of Time & Begin To Rest. With The Belief That You Do Deserve Some Good Luck In Your Most Beloved Inner/Outer Self. Keep Your Imagination Alive. Safely Wander And Dream!. For The Dreams In Your Dreams Dreaming For You, Yourself And Amazing Things!. To Breathe, For Your Shadow Sing’s!.