On my way to another episode

so the head ache, that ALWAYS signifies the one day warning of an oncoming episode, began about an hour ago. My head is pounding like someone is inside it playing with C4 and pots and kettles, and my vision is blurring, and my stomach refuses to let me keep anything down.

Well this is actually a migraine…I ALWAYS get one before an episode, but don’t always have an episode after one, but I have a feeling this one is preceding an episode…

If there were only one thing I could get rid of it would be these chronic migraines…I can handle the SZ and the BP and the other crap, but these migraines are so bad sometimes that even if I don’t have an episode, I can be out of commission for several days. I missed four weeks of school (high school before I was diagnosed) because of one migraine…I was in the hospital getting CT scans and other fun stuff because they thought I might have a brain bleed…

at work right now, not anything stressful, just filing some building permit requests online for an upcoming job, but its hard to see the screen. My boss said I look like I have concussion or something, so once I finish these permit requests I am going home to some potent painkillers (I have a script for Percocet for these damn head aches…)

What do you normally do with your one day warning? Go to hospital?

I usually tell my roommate and GF and call my best friend, I did all that, but it seems t was a false alarm

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