Om's Update

Voices are almost gone now.
But I still feel like the true man of this truman


Good stuff.

Feels great having no voices.

I’m currently medless and almost without voices. Tiniest fragment of audible speech remains.

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Few voices today. Nothing serious though.
Automatic writing reveals the spirits’ will.

I am used to hearing voices, and now I feel so alone and empty

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My number is 666999

Haha talking of truman. My clinic case manager told me that clinic caters to 300 people in area. Not alot considering amount of total people in area. Maybe some relation to schizophrenics being watched haha i dont know. Maybe its shot with quantum technology so there literally could be a camera in front of you right now. Sorry if triggering anyone. Stay cool

I don’t really understand, but I feel cameras close to me, invisible or tiny

I was using automatic writing for my surrealist poetry. Now I use it spiritually

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