Om's madhouse 2

I have painted my home alone. With golden, yellow, red and green colours

I painted the hallway orange. Its bright but there are no windows so no light

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One of the first diagnoses I had, was schizoaffective because of the ultra rapid cycling. Now I am diagnosed with undifferentiated, but still wanna die in despair and the next moment i am in grandeur.
Maybe it’s grandeur and the realization it’s not real, common with delusions

At one moment I am Jesus and Buddha, and the next moment i feel helpless and desperate.
Maybe it’s not schizoaffective but delusions of grandeur

I don’t think I have schizoaffective, even though I have periods of depression and hypomania.
I think I have delusions of grandeur and depression when delusion stops

Hello Om :slight_smile:

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Hello my friend. What’s up?

all good iam drinking coffee while i watching impulse and after this episode ill sleep early i work tomorrow.

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Nice. Good for you.

TV just said “you’re schizophrenic”. They ridicule me

And after a while “you are a schizophrenic killer”. So many coincidences

TV is reading my mind. Whatever I say or think, I see it on TV. Half of the day I have grandeur and the other half depression

Usually I wake up in grandeur. I feel my transcendental body full of rapture and bliss

I feel suicidal at nights.

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Man stay warm hearted , be happy of life , why think such a things?

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I feel desperate spooky.

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Don’t feel this way , you are not… be realistic

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You are interesting personality

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In mornings, with sun, I have grandiose delusions. But when night falls I feel like ■■■■

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