Om's madhouse 2

Release from what? I don’t get you bro

I hear the voice mumbling and occasionally hear clear words

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I see. Meds don’t help?

Dont have new ones yet

New voices or new meds?

Same old two voices female and male and no new meds yet

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I haven’t had voices for the past three weeks, hope I didn’t just jinx it


Mine are like speaking thro some matter and thats why I dont hear them well

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Good for you. :slight_smile:

You hear mumbling voices?

Yes. Trying to build a mental picture of those few words I can hear clear if its something real and what

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I think these voices are just trying to get my attention with all kinds of stuff that’s not real

Are they good or evil? Or maybe neutral?

All of the above with same voices. They say they are trying to get out of me and now they say they are trying to fix my spiritual illness

Out of you? How?

I feel like surrogate to a spirit so probably to a new body

I just had a scarry delusional experience. My friend texted me exactly what I was thinking at the moment it happened. But I thought it was because they could read my mind again


maybe this is some kind of spiritual awakening.

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These coincidences drive me crazy


I find it if I’m feeling happy like now, I’m not as bothered by the coincidences.