Okay, just listen one last time,please

I’m getting repetitive on this forum so I’ll write about it one last time. I have voices, though I barely hear them, they used to be very loud, but the content is impressive because it’s inventive and I don’t know where the sh*t comes from, I can’t manipulate it, I can’t let go of him because being alone sucks so bad, I feed into it, no matter he tortures me, and I’ve let go of belief in him several times only to resurrect him but it’s really too much to take because it’s way too realistic. There. One last time. I live alone and never talk to anyone face to face. Is it better to have a tormentor than suffer mindlessness, darkness, and alone? Why did I have to be a sad guy? I could have avoided this!

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Let go of the unhealthy, torturing voice once and for all, and spend your day talking to people online and get a pet. Maybe if you let go of the unhealthy relationship with the voices you’ll have room for healthy relationships to form in your life.


I understand that you need to repeat yourself. It is because you get really effected by your voices.

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I can’t afford a pet. There are some answers. There’s AA. But I really don’t like those people, their extreme no nonsense, do the program or your an outsider stance bugs me. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stay sober and they don’t abide by that! There is a clubhouse for mentally ill but I don’t know if it’s open and I’m on a waiting list for a group therapy. Things are still basically in lockdown here, my clinic still has not reopened their programs. They let a few people sit in restaurants and such, but people are dying at an alarming rate around the world. I’ll try not to think of myself. I’m in the richest country in the world and I’ve got free healthcare and vaccinations. I just got vaccinated for the flu!

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at least it sounds like you have hope, i feel like i have none, i know what they say where im going. Maybe as you say you should believe in him

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