My wind chime is banging against the wall outside and I need to come up with something to buffer it. Any ideas?
Can you just take it down and bring it in the house, put in in the closet?
You silly, I want to hear the chime.
What do you mean by buffer it, I thought that meant you wanted it to stop.
Edit: I think I get it, you want to hear the chimes, you just don’t want to hear it bang against the wall.
Hang it on a bracket, to hold it away from the wall slightly?
Or one of these stuck in the ground?
Few mothers days ago, I got my mom a chime tree. Staked into the ground away from the house.
I hung a few hummingbird feeders and chimes. Worked well.
Just some decorative curved metal posts really.
Move it further away from the wall
I’m not allowed to hang it on a hook or nail. I could hang it from one of those long poles in the ground but it would have to be a tall one as the wind chimes is about 36 inches long.
Just a thought, but have you checked with your neighbors about how they feel about wind chimes? I have never lived in an apartment complex before, but i couldn’t imagine being overly thrilled if I had a neighbor that close by who put wind chimes up.
That’s a fair point. I have one neighbor close enough to bother as I’m in a sectioned off part of the complex with one other unit attached. My back patio is sort of a little alcove and I doubt she even hears it, but the next time I speak with her I will double check that it’s not bothering her.
Do you have a stick of chewing gum?
If you have some paint you could just paint some styrofoam or something similar so it matches the wall. Then put it up exactly where the ends of the metal of the wind chime hits the wall. It’s probably a small area so you would hardly notice it. And you could use a very thin slice of styrofoam. Or even better some of that squishy foamy black plastic stuff that comes in packaging.
no, I have no gum
yes, I like this idea, have no foam, but will be getting deliveries soon and may get some
One of those cheap scrubbing sponges might work too. I don’t know.
and it’s not the chimes hitting the wall, it’s the wood on top that the chimes hang from
Oh, that should be even easier to mask then! That’s probably a tiny area of the wall.
oh, I have some black craft paint and a sponge
and some packing tape or glue?