I don’t wanna get sucked into this anymore. Get my head down , do my job , get out. Apparently the supervisor is “racist” one of the staff members came to tell me. I won’t get involved.
Some people spend half of their lives on office politics. I’m glad I’m out of that world.
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Yes, do your best to stay out of gossip.
People gossip at my work all the time.
If honest he once told me I can go home early if I start early … But come time he gave me work to do as I was leaving but it wasn’t racist… I’m just gonna make a point go on time
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Office politics sucks big time
I am trying to work remotely on my new job
Whoever thought an open plan office was a good idea needs a kick up the ass
I’m gonna have to complain about him, because he complained to me i didn’t get my notes done when i had a pile of other work i was doing.
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