Odd question? Maybe delusion

I am wondering if i can have sz symptoms from antipsychotics? @Anna. I think I am cured of my psychosis and I have weird and bugging thoughts because of the ap treatment.

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I think you can have hallucinations from the aps. It’s written in one of my previous meds.

Hallucinations I do not have, but I have racing thoughts and something weird thoughts. Sexual mostly, racists thoughts sometimes.
I am on 6 mg risperdone and 500 depakine and sometimes xanax.
I know olanzapine can cause hallucinations

Probably it’s not the medication…You just have weird thoughts

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I think I am cured and my ap make me worse

I don’t think so… If you are cured or not the pdoc will decide…

Yes, I should wait a few more years

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You can’t be cured of your illness (at least not w modern medicine) it’s not something that just magically goes away in its own. In fact it sounds like you aren’t cured of your illness at all if you are still having symptoms. For some people it’s true they don’t respond well to certain APs and it does make their psychosis worse, geodon made me crazier for example and other people on here have had similar experiences. But understand that they exacerbate psychosis that is already there, they don’t create it.

If you have concerns that you aren’t doing well with your current med work with your doctor to find a new one. There’s tons of choices to try out. Just keep in mind that APs cover up your symptoms so you may feel like you aren’t ill anymore, but you are still ill. Once I phrased it like APs are a prosthetic leg, you can’t walk until you put it on, but then after you’ve been using it for a while you say wow I can walk again I don’t even need this prosthetic! And then you take it off and immediately fall over. You can see how that is kind of silly. Using the prosthetic does not make your leg grow back. If your symptoms are better or gone, it’s because you are on a med that is working. If you go off, your symptoms will come back. If you’ve had multiple episodes of psychosis before your chance of relapse is over 90%, in other words, you really need to stay on your medication for life.


Thank you. I will take my chances… In a few years…

I had 3 psychotic episodes and I think the first two were because of olanzapine, I quit cold turkey

For some people it takes a long time to accept that they need to be on meds forever. Took me a long time, and I definitely had to learn the hard way. Ignored the statistics and I can’t even keep track of how many times I dropped APs. Ended horribly every time. Sometimes it was even dangerous for me. I would recommend sparing yourself the trouble.

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I think it’s different for drug induce psychosis

The Olanzapine didn’t cause the psychosis. Quitting APs cold turkey causes rebound psychosis. Your normal psychosis is thought to be caused by too much of a chemical dopamine in the brain. APs limit it which helps make us more normal and takes away symptoms. However, when you quit an AP cold turkey, your brain is now flooded w the amount of dopamine it used to have before except you got used to having a lot less, so you go even crazier than before.

After a while being off it is true the rebound psychosis will resolve but you will be back at your old regular psychosis. So you have to think about what that was like and why you went on medication in the first place.

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It was all because of weed, I was paranoid when I took it, I had crazy thoughts when I took it, I thought everything was about me when I took it, I was anxious when… You know… And half a year after I quit because of the stress I had a psychotic episode, everything of what is written above multiply. It is possible to have a drug induce psychosis after 6 after you quit?

Ohhh you didn’t mention that. Yes it can be different for drug induced. Were all your episodes other than that one drug induced?

Drug induced psychosis is probably the only kind where I would recommend attempting to go off an AP (w doctor’s help) at some point ONLY IF you can stay clean and not touch any of the substances that made you spiral in the first place. (That’s standard procedure for people w drug induced mental health issues you try to get them off the drug to see if that resolved the problem first) Unfortunately for some people though drug induced psychosis is permanent and long lasting, because the drugs trigger latent genes that cause psychosis, so for some people with this they do have to stay on APs forever.


If you had it 6 months after quitting then yeah sorry but that definitely set off underlying things. Weed would not be in your system 6 months later and I would say from what I’ve read and heard from other people, it is unlikely you’d never relapse off an AP. If stress triggered it once, it will trigger it again.

My chart said ‘psychotic disorder with sz symtoms’ and the second one is drug abuse.
I think my brain ‘got use’ to being drugged through my teenege years and my thinking did not evolve, I should mention that I was ALWAYS high from 16 yes to 18. After I quit I was almost the same but I got a job with a lot of social encounters and one day I just had the episode.
I am clean for 3 years and the second and 3 time I experience psychosis was because I quit olanzapine ncold turkey.
I am stable now, except for weird thoughts about sex(sometimes) racism and anxiety

Weed can cause Schizophrenia/psychosis for people so you may not be better off the APs. It all depends on what you have. I say if we weren’t on APs, we would be in one long psychosis.

I do not fit in in the sz spectrum

Yes using marijuana before your brain is done developing is shown to hinder its development/mess with your brain. You can definitely try to go off again, as long as you have a doctor help you wean down this time, but I’m just saying I’ve heard people with your story before and they always end up back on meds. If it’s happening that long after you quit, it’s going to happen regardless. It’s not like there was still some marijuana left in your system at 6 months that won’t be there at 3 years. You were clean then and had psychosis, likely you have it again. But like I said your choice and some people (me being one of them) need to learn things the hard way. I just hope working with your doctor on it will help keep you safe.