Occasional Update

So yeah I just got back from Captain America: Civil War. It was a blast. Plenty of cringe moments as well as laughs ending with some really cool implied themes. I thought there was going to be too many characters but they proved me wrong.

On another note, I think I’m going to be waking up in the morning and go online outside. The weather is so nice.

I have some avolition I think. After reading the post from @anon93437440, it just seems to fit me in an almost perfect description of my mental state. For example I want to move out of my Father’s house but instead of looking for a low income one person living arrangement, I’m not really doing anything. And while I’m not doing anything, my Dad gets mad and yells at me.

At least I seen a good movie today and have some cash on hand. Like $90 worth which is more than most people can say. Also enjoying the weather and I just feel good about myself in all ways. I’m pretty good.


I’m going to see it this weekend, it was supposed to be last weekend but I got lazy to leave the house.

Good luck in sorting your life, you can do it!

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Thanks @Minnii :smile:

You’ll love the movie. I think it’s pretty good at emphasizing underlying themes closer to the end. If you like to watch the second endings there is two. One After the cenematic credits, and another after all the credits.

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Cool :slight_smile: They always put a little treat in the end :slight_smile:

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You the man apathy :surfer:

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I’m happy we finally know that our lack of goal(s) is nothing but Schizophrenia. We are all, not winners because of Schizophrenia. 100% or Everything we are is nothing but being a Schizophrenic and nothing else.

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