
Ok i admit im obsessive about writing everything down like i can’t remember unless i do this. Its driving me crazy but i have to

Are you obsessed about anything?



I’m almost obsessive about writing things down or making lists or I think I won’t remember.

I also check multiple times before leaving home keys, cellphone, wallet and whatnot.

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I’ve been obsessive before, yes, and I may still be obsessive from time to time.

I have OCD so I got kinda used to it.

It helps a lot to give up whatever you’re obsessed about usually. It’s a hard habit to break but it’s possible. It can be very unhealthy

I’d give up writing if I were you if it’s hindering you more than helping. Just sayin’… I used to write, but it did become a big hindrance for me as well

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Thanks, I’ll take your advice on board :+1:

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