O shit symptoms

I got way over the top excited about something, and now I feel it. Peoples accusations and energys. I’m in control on the outside and fully aware but it does suck. Been smoking cigarretes and eating lots of crap lately. I don’t want to be around anyone or anything related to these somewhat irrational delusions. Been through this with less insight many times. Looks like it’s time to meditate after this vent post.

Sorry Kenforce ( :imp:)
Hope you feel better tomorrow.
Do some soothing ■■■■ or something.
Hang in there, it shall pass.


Thanks sarad, your words of kindness are much appreciated.

Not some wisdom though, but hey, it is 3am here.
Really try to get some sleep if you can.


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You’ve survived all of my lame jokes over the last number of months. This little ‘blip’ should be nothin by comparison! :wink:

I enjoy your constant wit and humour. Hang in there, chum!



Hey i know your not in a mood now…but i got a perfect thing for you…and me as well!


Thanks you guys are awesome @patrick @sarad :heart:. Time to for me to say goodnight :sleeping:.

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You’ve got the right attitude. You’ll win this fight. You’re too smart to lose, and you have a fun spirit, you really are quite the comedian when you let lose. You’ve got the right everything to make it through an episode.


I’m sorry kenny. Hope everything looks better in the morning

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Ive got to say sarad ,movie star looks

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Thanks but…butteredtoast! :joy_cat:

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Ok i got to go now my phones making me mad, when did i download that ■■■■■■■ apt.Good night phone ,sleep tight you little sadistic ■■■■■■■■■■■■

Hang in there. Good luck dealing with this! Hope the meditation helped.

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I’m feeling good today. Thanks for the comments @Minnii @mortimermouse @anon9798425.


Rejoice because butteredtoast is pleased with all of your comments.