Trump definitely has serious problems but I don’t believe sz is one of them.
I see it as a slur on people with sz, and it adds to the stigma. It bothers me that rich powerful politicians can be so insensitive and arrogant.
Pretty offensive. Even us schizophrenics know the country shouldn’t be opened back up just yet.
Medical metaphors are increasingly being used in common speech.
The R word has long been used to describe someone who is stupid. More recently, we hear that a dangerous idea or belief is a cancer upon society, and increasingly we hear that a person or idea that is confrontational and/or contradictory is schizophrenic.
You should know better, Governor Cuomo.
Doesn’t surprise me that Schizophrenia is being used as a swear word by a public figure
Not even the mental health campaigners ever talk about anything but anxiety and depression
It’s a numbers game. That said, we’re 1% of the population, which although a minority, we’re still sizeable enough of a population to deserve better public representation.
Only a tiny number of people have broken through to the public psyche, and these have been token at best.
We need to have better coverage for the successes and not the failures of a very small number of people
Mental illness is not Trump’s problem. He is just a ■■■■■■■ and I am sick of people thinking that’s what mentally ill people are like
People are dumb about that word. Too dumb to know what they’re saying.
He probably thinks it’s split personalities.
An educated man like him should be ashamed of himself.
i knew trump was one of us …keep going
Hopefully there’s some kind of pushback against him for this. I mean I like the guy but to use the name of our disease in that context is about as insulting as you can get.
Just a reminder that the topic of conversation is how it feels to have schizophrenic used as an insult, NOT different creative insults for elected officials.
I plan on writing a letter demanding an apology
I couldn’t care less. What’s next, offended children when someone is accused of being childish?
I agree. And it doesn’t help that dictionaries continue to have alternate non-medical definitions for medical terms. This allows people to think it’s OK to use medical terms this way.
For example, the Merriam-Webster dictionary has this alternate non-medical definition of schizophrenia (high-lighted in pink below):
NPD I might have believed, but not schizophrenia.
I feel like Cuomo doesn’t understand what schizophrenia is in this case. Makes me sad because I wish more people knew what it was, it only takes a half hour of internet research to correctly identify it.
I’m so upset about this. I respect Gov. Cuomo for what he does for his country, but this is way out of the line.
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