Number of years of work required in order to be eligible for SSDI

If you apply, social security actually looks at it on a case by case basis I think the article says.


I think I got ten years in but it was a good thing that I had worked part time during college… the last couple years working in my twenties and thirties were pretty hard on me and I ended up in the hospital a lot.

I had a friend who worked under the table and she never accrued enough quarters to qualify for anything more than SSI…


I am lucky I got enough necessary years worked. I did a lot of work in stores in high school and college until I cracked. My SSDI is very low though because I never got a chance to work a real career. I am grateful though. Don’t get me wrong,

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I worked from about 13 on …until I was 35 when I got sick…spent ten years working making money as an architect…

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