Nova Scotia - the future of the schizophrenia and psychotic disorder movement

I’m trying to “make Nova Scotia happen” if I get ownership of the mental health business, that is. Where would you move your business to if you could invest in mental health? Just a warning that schizophrenics are inherently small and low in market value except to do the most gruesome labor. Going to be hard work making diamonds out of coal again… God why do I do this for to myself??? I’m not a fan of animal cruelty so I’m trying to turn “Shutter Island” into “This American Life.”

@tukey you have posted a string of confusing and worrying posts since leaving after some med troubles. Some of them we have rejected. This post is also worrying. You seem disorganized.

Yes sorry yes I’m self sabotaging lately but med wise there’s nothing I can do about it. White people think Nova Scotia is all that but Dream Tea will definitely still be worth more. The cause is making me lower and lower functioning and all I’m trying to do is find a way to make the littlest people overcome barriers to their own survival. I am trying to bless little LED at the moment so she has a better future and doesn’t have to suffer in exchange for the basics in life. Learning about people’s problems is a good way to help them and yeah I do like Nova Scotia.

Cool song from Nova Scotia.

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