Nothing they can do to help me

I hate when they seem to have no hope, and then try to take your hope away, too. When it happened to me it was quite damaging. I got a change in case management and a different pdoc. But still, what was said couldn’t be taken back and stuck in my mind for a couple years. I’m happy to report that in the end I proved them wrong, and though I wasn’t completely successful, I FAR surpassed their low expectations. You can, too. Just to spite them!


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Do you think I should talk to them again?

I left it yesterday that if they didn’t contact me, that’s it. They didn’t get in contact. :rage:

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Maybe you can just keep benefits till you feel better enough to work again? I can only work part time so I have benefits but if you can manage full time, I think you should do it! You’ll be far ahead of the rest of us financially. But I do a lot besides collect disability like support groups and hiking and art and outpatient treatment. I think when you’re not working, you need to work hard to stave off boredom and isolation and find more activities for yourself. But I recommend fixing aps and giving the job another shot.


If you think you can still work with them. Can you get a different pdoc, different clinic, etc? Just prove them wrong as best you can. tukey has some good advice, I think. Take the benefits but work part time or do volunteer stuff. Helping others always feels good.

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Did they give a reason why that can’t help you? Have you tried all the meds? Have you tried therapy? Are you med compliant?

I think going on disability is a good thing as it provides a safety net and you should still be able to work some while on it. Take all the benefits you can get.

Sometimes you have to help the drs find the solution. I’m asking for buspar to help with negative symptoms and anxiety. I previously found modafinil on my own which changed my life. Don’t give up on your self even if other people are throwing in the towel

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I’m sorry they are treating you this way. My psychiatrist says there is always more than can be done. What do you need help with?

Coping with stress mainly is the reason why my symptoms get worse and I make bad decisions.

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Yeah, stress is hard and overwhelming. It helps to have support. I hope you find a treatment team that is committed, caring, and concerned!

I feel now I gave them the ultimatum, I cannot go back on my word now.

I seem to manage quite well much of the time. I just got upset the other day when I needed support and the safety net wasn’t there :frowning:

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That’s understandable. There is always room for forgiveness, reconciliation, and improvement. Maybe it can mend.

I emailed my treatment team on Friday. No responded to me. But, they called each other and called my husband to see if I was okay. I emailed them again on Tuesday. Only one responded to me. Again, the others called each other and called my husband. I felt ignored.

I know how you feel. I like to know what’s happening.

All I asked was for a phone call!

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It’s typical. Use them, they’re a tool… don’t get caught up in feeling disappointed. Find your own way


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