Nothing is static

I feel like running away to find chaos again. Romanticizing raw energy.

I just want to be in the thick of something. To be surrounded by something breathing both with and without me.

I know it’s where I’m going eventually, at this pace.

I just want to be there again already. I miss it.


What up ?? 161616

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It is what it is what it is what it is.

I’m happy where I am RN kinda…

But I agree nothing is static

And that includes getting no views on my :fire: music

Thanks to you, I get 1 or 2 views. You’re my top listener for the past week by a few…

Thank you :pray: for listening

You wanna be freed. I wanna pursue music. Same kinda idea.

I know I got the skills to pay the bills :dollar:

Consistency is good…in making music. Used to be able to make 1 good song out of seven. Now it’s like 2/3 are good. I’ve come a long way. Hard to get views. And target the right audiences. How :man_shrugging:

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Sounds like the call of the wild

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