Note to ever hopeful

I wish you were here to see this sky and help me talk about the jobs that I need to have this next year I’m running low on funds and could be on the street as soon as 2 months is there really hope out there I don’t know but it helps to have a friend


I don’t know what advice to offer but good luck @DrZen .

That’s a beautiful picture. I hope you are ok. Can we in the forum help?

Beautiful sky DrZen. Kansas has the best skies.

Do you have a social worker or a case manager? It sounds like you need advice from someone like that.

Tell us what’s going on.

There’s always hope DrZen.

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Agreed. Cant you get welfare?

My biggest hurdle at this time is picking something I can do above the table I would love to start my own business but don’t have a Banker to do so I may be incredibly smart but I have some downfalls two doing jobs I am physically challenged with my back and new hip my reading comprehension is down and my short-term memory is having some trouble last year I drove people back and forth to work here before that I sold things on Craigslist in Facebook but I’m needing some Financial money to cover some bills and I’m not talkin small ones either I was hoping to get into the business of making posters getting patents on them and selling them to Amazon for the royalty off of it I’m not sure what I can do otherwise as I no longer have a shop to work out of any suggestions are thankful

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If you’re having physical problems too, then it might be time to get on welfare if you’re not already on it as @schizofreindly suggested. The sooner the better.

But I’m not sure how it all works in the USA.

You might be able to get your debts written off if you can’t pay them too.

You really need to speak to someone who understands how it all works there, like a social worker.

I think you might need to accept the fact that you’re no longer able to work though.

Do you have someone like a social worker?

I’m a stubborn as a mule I’ve always found something to do

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