I have heard voices for nearly 10 years now, to the point where they were pretty much constant for the most of it. I realised at one point that in reality it was actually impossible to do this. Within a month this constant was releived to 10 minutes. At first the voices were replaced with what I can only describe as ‘not knowing what im doing’. After two months of these two symptoms coming to me in waves the voices have pretty much stopped and I am a lot more coherant.
I am so much clearer in my mind, and I beleive the fact that I beleived that they were real was the thing that was driving me insane. If you could see it from my perception the difference of myself I am sure you would agree. From points literally hearing things non stop and describing it as someone constantly hitting me on the hand with a hammer, to not hearing a thing today. I beleived in my head that ‘dead people’ had done something so I have to interact with them constantly, and so I have done. Looking back on this relativly short time I have thought how could I have been so stupid. It could be intelligent, creative and would defend its existence. I often look back and realize how much of my life I have wasted.
I realize this fact of beleiving that they exist, may not be the same case for everyone, but for me it was the biggest turning point of what seems to be the worst of it. When I just admitted that it was not real, I have become so much better in myself than I have since before this began, to the point that it was the thing that was driving me insane. I beleived it so much and anything you could of said would of done nothing but make me feel uncomfortable. Although i have questioned it a few times before, I would seem to prove myself wrong everytime. The fact that you can not ‘talk’ to people in my head was the worst thing about all of what happened to me, and I seem to find happiness in the fact that you can not do this.
Words like ‘Ferreou’ or ‘Semeou’ meaning ‘forever endevoured to the hell in you’ or ‘forever in you’ words for heaven and hell would seem to pop out of nowhere. When people describe other people of the things they beleive, they would seem stupid or irellavent, but for me is not the case.
I did at one point in my life smoke a lot of weed and I did a couple of other drugs a bit aswell and yes it did affect me. Getting paranoid about people talking about me and paranoid in general. Symptoms got worse after a car accident where I hit myself on the head and I remember being in hospital for a fractured spine and being quite bad in there. Back then and recently it just went without question that you could just talk to people in your head. I would put emphasis on this for me and if that you beleive there will be a response there will be.
So in conclusion I just want to point out the emphasis on beleiving that they are real can really screw you up, or for me at least anyway. I often think of people beleiving these things now seems to me what makes you that way.
thought i would say hi . 
take care 
hello there. i used to believe in this too. for years i never questioned the reality of being “telepathic” with both the living and the dead but one day i started to look up where we were in terms of telepathy experiments and it slowly dawned on me that this couldn’t be real. nobody, it seemed was getting the results needed to verify that telepathy was even a tiny bit possible, let alone full blown conversations in my head.
then i started to look at the language patterns of the voices themselves and though they had differing identities the “script” as it were was the same regardless of which identity was talking. so their actual characters were pretty much identical…it was like they were all reading off of the same script? to exlain a sutuation they would all use the same phrases as eachother and it soon became apparent that they weren’t real…they were also not very articulate, intellgent yes but they all used the same words to describe different things…almost like there wasn’t enough room inmy mind for too different identities?
then a funny thing happened…suddenly there were new personalities of the same people and these new personalities were the telepathic ones whereas the old ones were not lol…it was pretty laughable to be honest/ these new ones were much more articulate and slightly more intelligent but obviously i still don’t believe they are real but they are nothing if not tenacious, i#ll give them that. they try so hard to convince me of their true telepathic powers but i#m not going for it at all.
and with that knoedge comes a power that i never had for years. knowing they are not real opens another can of worms but at ;east i have my privacy whereas before i thought i had none at all…i now know that mind to mind as they call it telepathy is just not possible. you need a technological interface at the very least to even hope to achieve it and there just isn’t the tech around yet and even if there were i#d need an ariel stuck up my arse and a radio reciever in my head…lolol and even i#m not dumb enough to believe that has happened 
it’s a mighty release when you can see staright through it isn’t it.
thank you for psting this topic
there is a theory doing the rounds at the moment which focuses on the the role of the thalamus in the brain which is connected to many other parts of the brain.
the thalamus, among other things governs your sleep wake cycle and it is thought that parts of our brain may be stuck in r.e.m. mode as it is when you are dreaming and this to me makes perfect sense. when you dream, your mind conjures up many different characters, all of which can talk, eat, read, sleep, touch, feel. smell, taste et cetera…you name it they can do it and this to me is what is happening inside the brain of a person who hears voices, or sees things, feels things, tastes things, smells things…it more than adequately exlpains how this is possible, i believe…
the thalamus is also connected to your motor centres aswell which also neatly explains the lack of motivation suffered by many people who hear voices…afterall, if parts of your brain are still sleeping then you are not going to moving around so much. i firmly believe that one day schizophrenia will be reclassified as a sleep disorder on the narcolepsy spectrum…although different in that narcolepsy sufferers actually fall asleep suddenly, it is still classidied as a sleep disorder and i think that one sz will be classified in much the same way. 
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you also have to think about how, infact, telepathy, if it were to exist would be workable.
take me for example. these people are supposed to be able to read my mind, feel my emotions, feel my physical sensations, hear everything i can hear around me, smell my surroundings, taste what i eat…the list just goes on and on and yet the people that i hear in my head are real people in the entertainment industry, real people in my family and friend group, real people as my next door neighbours…
so what is more likely? that somehow these people have discovered telepathy and kept it a secret all these years from everyone? that there is some vast telepathic conspiracy against me? or is it more likely that it is my own brain producing these voices?
telepathy hasn’t even been discovered no matter how often it is has been tested…don’t believe me? google telepathy experiments and after you 've read the sensational claims…look up debunking for each of these claims. every single experiment is shot down in flames by a more critical evaluation of the evidence…experiments that seem to show hits are fatally flawed in every case.
.i used to have numerous books on the validity of these experiments but then i started digging deeper and lo and behold they all collapsed one by one…mind to mind telepathy is not possible at all