I don’t feel sleepy having just drunk a coffee and I feel like drinking another one, which is a bad idea. Since stopping going to the café for my coffee and drinking it at home, which is a fraction of the price, I have been drinking much more coffee than is healthy and for the first time its started keeping me awake at night.
I really need to sleep, the last two days after not sleeping were terrible.
I’ll try to go to sleep at half-ten I think, an hour later than usual.
So another day, another night when I don’t feel sleepy. I’m kind of bored, but I feel like I’d like to participate in something important. I really don’t want to stay up all night again. When I was relapsing the other day, mildly, but definitely relapsing, I thought I was participating in some kind of important forum for life on earth. I kind of want that experience to be real again, but I couldn’t cope with it at the time, probably because it was a delusion, but real nevertheless.
I really want to go to sleep within the next hour. I’ll give myself a bit of time, but will go to sleep soon. Thank you.
So yet again I find myself not sleepy but mindful that if I don’t go to sleep I will suffer the next day. It is 1:26am where I am. Way past my bed time. I really need to get back on track. I have t’ai ji to do tomorrow, plus some study. I also have to start switching to vaping. I will give myself another half-hour and then go to sleep. Thank you.
My sleep patterns have been really bad for over a week now. It’s gone 11pm. I’m going to give myself half-an-hour and then go to sleep again. Thank you.
Yet again I’m not feeling sleepy and missed my regular bed time of 9:30pm. It’s 12:30am and I’m still up. I’ll give myself half-an-hour and then go to sleep. Thank you.
Thanks I’m dealing with the same thing.
I have not slept in 3 days.
I am not awake or asleep.
I’m having comatose dreams.
I feel like this earth is saying it’s goodbye, as sad as it is.
I have personal regrets.
I just want to be myself again…
I literally have the worst gut wrenching depression.