Not only are we not on the same page, we are not even on the same planet

I was talking to me boss today at work. She’s this really cute (married) 27 year old women who is pretty even tempered and nice. Anyways, I forget what we were talking about but she says, “Nick you are always so calm”.

What the hell?

I’m the most nervous, anxious guy on the job I thought. I’m constantly stressed and my mind is usually racing a mile a minute.
I had to walk away from her and go around the corner to ponder and process this info for a minute.

Me? Calm?
Hmmm, how can I use this info later, lol?


You must have a mean poker face…


People say the same thing about me. I am not calm. But it makes them feel good to project that so I’ll use it as camouflage.


Yeah, people say I’m “laid back.” I keep it all inside in social situations. Have to.

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People aren’t mind readers, so you obviously come across as calm.


Hence why my avatar is a mask, I wear it well. Can totally relate. People who don’t know me call me aloof, people closest to me call me “intense”.

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yea me too.
there was a rod steward tune, you wear it well. I would sing it to myself.
You hide it well!
as usual I like to pretend there is nothing wrong when there
is visual evidence to the contrary, so I just say that has to be a hallucination. right? right?

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I recently told a therapist how intimidated I feel around other people, and her remark was that I was the one who seemed intimidating. I told her that if I was intimidating then people would leave me alone, which is good because they scare me so much. The anxiety can be quite intense.

You don’t want to play poker with me. I cheat.

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Nick i think u look calm…!!!

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Lol if we played for loose change I’d be offended if you didn’t…

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I’m Irish…

We hold all of our angst inside, and die of massive heart attacks when we’re 55 years old. :wink:

You make me laugh :cupid:

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Hey, you have another Irish @san_pedro

It doesn’t sound like anything a little cold cabbage and corned beef pack across the forehead wouldn’t cure.