Not one for clicks

I ask myself if I reach out with compassion. And in that case I don’t need clicks.

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Also can you elaborate?..

Everyone experiences them. I’m just saying I’m happier without catering to others against my principles… Ya know? Be true to you :grinning:is my point


I get what your saying…the path of the sage is narrow…let go and live…I like it…


I like that " let go and live " too… :grinning:

Thanks, I needed that good view :grinning:


You ment cliques not clicks, right?

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Yeah… Thats what I meant… :grinning:

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Ok! Sorry 60% of my brain understood you. The Very Concrete & Literal part sorta locked up there for a moment.

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No problem… I was too loosely writing. I dig your handle :grinning:

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Oh I understand now :smile:

I agree


Stupid question but what’s 151515 mean?


That’s because this site requires 15 characters to post… So if one doesn’t want to say so much its just easier to put the numbers as a jest. Not a stupid question tho buddy

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When I saw this topic, I thought it was another @flameoftherhine click bait thread :smile:


Ah yeah, I just didn’t resolve my grammar… Lol.

If it weren’t for my mistakes I may not have learned much value… In grammar and life :grinning:

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When I went to film school we had only like 10 people in our whole class.

And yet, cliques still formed. I am guilty as charged on this one.

I suppose it’s part of human nature.

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