Not hearing back from Homewood

I have been looking into a mental health recovery hospital, called Homewood. I’ve left them two messages already, and have had no response. I am wondering if maybe I said too much in my first message, I mentioned that I have a head injury and schizophrenia. Perhaps that scared them off?

I would have at least expected the professional courtesy of returning my call

My neuropsych has cancer, my old therapist is retiring in a month, and I feel like I’m left hung out to dry. Like a discarded Factory defect. This hits me as particularly hard right now, because I really do feel like I’m on the verge of a breakthrough. I want to get my life back together, and stop feeling half alive

I can’t stand the idea of getting to know a new therapist all over again, and familiarizing them with my trauma history.

Where the hell do I go from here?

If you can survive outside the hospital, it is probably best to try that first. Hospitals are good when you can’t stay safe on your own, but I don’t know anybody who has thrived by living there permanently.

Has your therapist recommended anyone new yet? I know how much of a gamble it can be to try a new therapist, but if it is someone your current therapist knows and trusts, odds are high that they will have a similar style. And you can ask your therapist to meet with the new therapist to familiarize them with your history so you don’t have to re-explain everything again.

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Thanks for the advice. It’s not a typical hospital, it’s a recovery hospital. They run programs for depression, trauma, drug addiction excetera.

It’s actually where several celebrities such as Alice Cooper went to dry out

I just got a rejection email from an online Treatment Center of all things. Apparently I have too many issues to be dealt with by their computer system LOL

So… that leaves me exactly where I started. Yay me

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I’m getting kind of depressed considering these two rejections. I thought I was doing fairly well, and suddenly my mind is in doubt. Maybe I’m a lot more screwed up and I thought it was.

Head injury and schizophrenia seem to be red flags. But to be rejected from an online course… That’s harsh

That might be why you are rejected. Residential treatment is usually for people who are pretty sick.

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Thanks @Ninjastar it’s nice to think that might be true.

But the rejection from the online course is a first for me. That’s rather depressing

I know it’s up to me, I just thought some guidance might help

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